KeMCo Annual Report No.4 2023/2024

The “Annual Report No.4 2023/2024” summarizing the activities of the Keio Museum Commons in the 2023 academic year has now been published.







Exhibition | Artists in Rivalry: Extraordinary Designs by Hokusai and Kuniyoshi
Exhibition | Tokiwayama Bunko Foundation × Keio University A Journey Through Painting: The Expansive World of Zen Meditation
Exhibition | KeMCo New Year Exhibition 2024 Where the Dragons Are / Special Feature: Daybreak of Chinese Style Calligraphy in Premodern Japan: Hayashi Razan and His Community
Exhibition | Ephemera: Printed Matter and Expression
Project | Material Cycle Workshop and KeMCompost
Project | Competency Development for Cultural Engagement Using Digital Commons
Symposium | Mita Society for the Science of Arts & KeMCo “Creation and Sustainability”
Symposium | A Network of Objects and People Connected by the Tokiwayama Bunko Collection
Talk | KeMCo Peer-learning Series “ils issue 0 We’ll Meet Alternative Plans”“MASS”
Talk | Ephemera: Library, Museum, and Archive
Workshop | Roppongi Art Night 2023 Collaborative Programme “Art In-Between”
Learning | KeMCo Course “Museum and Commons”
Learning | Design the Future Fund Program 2023 ”Learning Programs Focused on ‘Climate Change,’ ESD for Developing a Learning Spiral”
Learning | Production and Release of the Official Keio University Online Course “Akichi in Collections Management: Perspectives from a Japanese University Museum” (English Version)
Learning | EBA×KeMCo Towards Multicultural Society: Hokkaido Fieldwork Program
KeMCo StudI/O | KeMCoM Project
KeMCo StudI/O | Joined a Poster/Demonstration Session at the International Symposium: Digital Humanities and Research Infrastructure
KeMCo StudI/O | AY 2023 All Activities
KeMCo StudI/O | Outreach Activities
KeMCo StudI/O | Regular Photo Session for Keio Cultural Assets
Collaboration | Update on the Keio Object Hub
Collaboration | Photo Session Opening Days 2023 at KeMCo StudI/O
Collaboration | Shared Use of Shooting Space
Collaboration | MEXT Children’s Kasumigaseki Visit Day

Collaboration | Izumi Kyoka Kinenkan Museum × Keio Exhibition RoomX “Reviving the Bancho House” (Online Exhibition)
Collaboration | ART WEEK TOKYO
Collaboration | Cooperation of Video Documentation for New Artwork by Enrico Isamu Oyama at Keio Shiki High School
Collaboration | Collaborative Project with SOI Asia “Community Centric Open Science Infrastructure for Digital Humanities in the Asia-Pacific”
Collaboration | KeMCo Staircase Lab. “Let’s Walk with Sociology”
Conservation and Restoration Projects | Restoration of Works in the Collection
Communications | Public Relations Activities in AY 2023, KeMiCo’s Activities

・Donations, Deposits, Purchases
・Personnel Changes
・List of Works
・The Year in Numbers
・Keio Museum Commons Facility Overview

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