Enrico Isamu Oyama: Altered Dimension

Enrico Isamu Oyama is an artist who is influenced by street art, especially the culture of “aerosol writing”, in which artists write their names with stylized letters in various spaces in cities. He deploys a unique motif, “Quick Turn Structure (QTS)”, composed through the spontaneous repetition and expansion of free-flowing lines informed by the visual language of aerosol writing. One of Oyama’s concerns is the issue of the frontality of QTS. In response to this, he has expanded his interest in recent years to include the fluctuations of identification and differentiation that occur when converting two-dimensional images into three-dimensional objects. He also undertakes experimental creations that shake up the nature of perception through the combination of diverse support materials and mediums, using QTS as an intermedia motif. This exhibition explores Oyama’s thinking by introducing new works in which he attempts to bring out the new figuration of QTS, with a focus on sequences of dimensions which can not be easily separated.
Mon., October 17, 2022 – Fri., December 16, 2022
Monday-Wednesday 11:00 – 17:00, Thursday, Friday 11:00-19:00
*Admission accepted up until 30 minutes before closingClosed Saturdays, Sundays, Public Holidays, and 7 November / 5 December
Special opening on Saturday 5 November, and 3 December, 11:00–18:00.
Keio Museum Commons (East Annex, Keio University Mita Campus)
Open to anyone
*We ask groups of 10 people or more to make reservations in advance.Cost
Admission Free
Enquiries and
KeMCo StudI/O Special opening days
KeMCo StudI/O will be specially open during the exhibition as follows. FFIGURATI #314 can be shown on non-special opening days, but you can see it more closely on special opening days. The facilities and activities of KeMCo StudI/O will also be presented.
October 17, 20, 25, 28
November 4, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 21, 22, 25, 28
December 3, 6, 9, 12, 16
※Please note that the opening date, time, and hours are subject to change. Any changes will be announced on this website or SNS.
Talk Event|Enrico Isamu Oyama × Noe Aoki (Sculptor)
Date: Fri., November 11, 19:00–20:30 [Free, booking required]
Venue: Keio University Mita Campus, G-Lab (East Research Building, 6F)
Publication|A record book of this exhibition will be published in March 2023.
※Click here for brochure(3MB)
Organiser: Keio Museum Commons
Cooperation: Takuro Someya Contemporary Art, Nakagawa Chemical Inc.
Image: Mock-up for Altered Dimension exhibition
©︎Enrico Isamu Oyama
Photo ©︎Katsura Muramatsu (Calo works)