Exhibition catalogue “Letter-scape: Century Akao Collection, A World of Letters and Figures” published.

We are pleased to announce the publication of exhibition catalogue “Letter-scape: Century Akao Collection, A World of Letters and Figures” from the KeMCo’s Inaugural Event Series.
The Keio Museum Commons opened in April 2021, through a donation and contribution from the Century Cultural Foundation.
The opening special exhibition featured masterpieces from the Century Akao Collection.
* This publication is not for sale.

Texted by Takahiro Sasaki, Mitsuharu Sasaki, Yusuke Takahashi, Hiroki Watanabe, Fumi Matsuya, Momoka Komatsu
Cover Designed by Hideaki Kawazoe
Produced by erA
Published by Keio Museum CommonsFormat
A4 square/94pp.
Not for sale.
April 14, 2021