Exhibition| Where the Tigers Are

What words and images do you use to celebrate the new year? Wishes, updates, pictures of dear ones… The oriental zodiac is also a favourite.
The sign for 2022 is “Tiger”. Keio Museum Commons (KeMCo) invited tigers from different periods, regions and media to dwell in our open space for the celebration of the new year. The latest findings from the excavations at KeMCo site is also on display.
Organized by Keio Museum Commons
Cooperated by Keio University Art Center / Historical Documents Room, Faculty of Letters (Komonjoshitsu) / Institute of Oriental Classics (Shido Bunko) / Department of Aesthetics and Science of Arts, Faculty of Letters / Fukuzawa Memorial Center for Modern Japanese Studies / Mita Media Center (Keio University Library) / Department of Archaeology and Ethnology, Faculty of Letters
Tue., January 11, 2022 – Thu., February 10, 2022
11:00—18:00 (Last admission at 17:30)
[Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays]
Special opening on Saturday 5 February, temporary closing on Monday 31 January.
Please check here for the opening of the museum on Thursday, February 10.
Keio Museum Commons
Open to anyone
*Advance booking is here
Admission Free
Enquiries and
bookingsKeio Museum Commons
※Click here for brochure(4MB)
※Click here to see the list of exhibited works.
Exhibitions Highlights:
1 Mirror with Dragon, Tiger, and Deity Motif, Eastern Han dynasty(2nd century) , Keio University(Century Akao Collection)
2 Green-Glazed Zun Vessel, Western Han dynasty − Eastern Han dynasty(1st century B.C. −2nd century A.D.), Department of Archaeology and Ethnology, Faculty of Letters
3 Album of Waka Poems by Animals of the Twelve Zodiac Signs, Early Edo period(17th century), Keio University(Century Akao Collection)
4 UTAGAWA Hiroshige Ⅲ(Illustration), FUKUDA Kumajiro(Publication), English Illustrated, No11, 1887, George S.Bonn Collection of Ukiyo-e in the Meiji period , Mita Media Center (Keio University Library)
5 GESNER, Konrad, Thierbuch, 1606, Mita Media Center (Keio University Library)