Establishment of “Keio Museum Commons (provisional name)” as an archive for academic and cultural resources of Keio University in AY 2020

January 31, 2018
Keio University had plans to set up a new facility to utilize and preserve, through mutual coordination, the cultural assets and academic materials that have been accumulated by the university over the course of its history spanning over 150 years, and it has now been decided to establish the “Keio Museum Commons (provisional name)” in the 2020 academic year. The opportunity for its launch came about thanks to the transfer of materials from the Century Cultural Foundation and donations totaling some 3 billion yen.
This facility is due to be newly constructed on land owned by the university adjacent to the east side of Mita Campus, and details are currently being finalized toward its planned completion in the 2020 academic year.
The Keio University Commons will disseminate information on interdisciplinary research and educational activities through materials, and make proposals on new models for exhibitions and collections through the fusion of analog and digital contents which take full advantage of the advanced IT technologies that Keio University has accumulated.
Please refer to the full press release below.
Full press release (Japanese only):