インターナショナル・ラウンドテーブル 大学ミュージアムにおける学生参加の拡大

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エレナ・デル・メルカート、リー・キャセイ Elena del Mercato and Lee Casey(メルボルン大学、ミュージアム・コレクション担当エンゲージメント・ディレクター)
イェ・トゥー Ye Thu(シンガポール国立大学、NUS Museum キャンパス・コミュニティ&パブリック・エンゲージメント担当エグゼクティブ)
三島 美佐子(九州大学、九州大学総合研究博物館 教授)
宮北 剛己(慶應義塾ミュージアム・コモンズ 専任講師)
本間 友 (慶應義塾ミュージアム・コモンズ 専任講師)
○ ショートレクチャー
宮北 剛己・本間 友(慶應義塾ミュージアム・コモンズ)
The Students’ Voices: Amplifying Student Perspectives in University Museums
Signs and responses: curatorial gestures from the periphery
三島 美佐子(九州大学)
Museum objects and atmosphere: Enhancing students’ cross-disciplinary experience
Students at the heart: Rethinking the place of students in museum audience development
○ ディスカッション
Elena del Mercato, Director Engagement, Museums and Collections, University of Melbourne
Elena has worked in the cultural sector for over twenty years, holding a variety of roles in marketing, communications and partnerships and development for Museums Victoria (Immigration Museum, Scienceworks, Melbourne Museum), the National Gallery of Australia and the University of Melbourne’s Victorian College of the Arts and Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, before joining the University’s Museums and Collections team. She shares her current role with Lee Casey, co-author of this paper.
Lee Casey, Director Engagement, Museums and Collections, University of Melbourne
With a background in the cultural sector, Lee has held various roles across marketing, communications, sponsorship and general management. Prior to joining the Museums and Collections department, she has worked in organisations such as Melbourne Festival, Southbank Centre London, Melbourne International Comedy Festival and Arena Theatre Company over the past fifteen years.
Ye Thu, Programme Executive at NUS Museum
Ye Thu is a Programme Executive at NUS Museum. He is responsible for leading the conceptualisation, planning, and execution of curatorial and public programmes. Ye Thu actively collaborates with curators, artists, students and faculty from the NUS community to apply their depth of knowledge and extend the cultural conversation in multiple directions, enriching the University’s learning environment. With a Master of Architecture and experience in Singapore’s film landscape, Ye Thu’s work at NUS Museum is grounded in the interdisciplinary nature of knowledge production and the development of curatorial responses from the periphery of museum practice.
Goki Miyakita, Senior Assistant Professor, Keio Museum Commons
He received his Master’s degree and Ph.D. in Media Design from Keio University. His research interests lie in the intersection of user-experience design and digital public humanities, ranging from theory, design methods, and implementation—with a particular focus on cultural heritage. At the Keio Museum Commons, he is co-responsible for the organization and operation of the digital collections platform (Keio Object Hub), fabrication studio (KeMCo StudI/O), and educational activities. In addition, he is a researcher at the Research Institute for Digital Media and Content, Keio University, and has been involved in MOOC development at Keio University since 2016. As a user-experience designer and researcher, he explores the boundaries between tangible and intangible heritage in the post-internet society through digital platforms that bridge traditional museum experiences with modern audience engagement.
Yu Homma, Senior Assistant Professor, Keio Museum Commons
Yu Homma is archivist and curator at Keio University Art Center, senior assistant professor at Keio Museum Commons. She graduated in Art History (BA, MA) at Keio. In 2006 she joined Keio University Art Center and has been involved with several projects concerning archives, university museums and digital humanities. As a launching member, takes part in the planning of the Keio Museum Commons, including concept design, activity planning, building planning and so on.