Exhibition Catalogue “Ephemera: Printed Matter and Expression” published.

We are pleased to announce the publication of the exhibition catalogue “Ephemera: Printed Matter and Expression” held at Keio Museum Commons.
This is the catalogue of the current exhibition at KeMCo that focuses on ephemera, especially printed ephemera that functions as a medium that spreads throughout society by being printed for free or cheap.
In addition to photos of the exhibition rooms, the catalogue includes a report on the talk event Talk Event “Ephemera: Library, Museum, and Archive” held in September 2023.
It is available for sale at the Keio Museum Commons (KeMCo) Office (4F, East Annex, Mita Campus).
※KeMCo Office opens during weekdays from 9:00–17:00. Payment is by cash only.

Organised and edited by Keio Museum Commons (Yohko Watanabe, Shiho Hasegawa, Yu Homma)
Edit cooperated by Japan Cultural Research Institute
Designed by Hisaki Matsumoto (MATSUMOTOKOBO Ltd.)
Published by Keio Museum CommonsFormat
A4, colour, 96 pp.
1,500 yen
March 31, 2024
Exhibition ‘Ephemera: Printed Matter and Expression’
When Printed Matter Enters the Exhibition Room: Encountering Ephemera (Abstract), Shiho Hasegawa
Biographies of Participating Artists
Exhibition Note – Two Attitudes Towards Printed Matter (Abstract), Yohko Watanabe
Conversations on Ephemera
Abstract of Talk Event ‘Ephemera: Library, Museum, and Archive’
Abstract of Dialogue ‘Art and Printed Matter’
List of Works