KeMCo Annual Report No.3 2022/2023

The “Annual Report No.3 2022/2023” summarizing the activities of the Keio Museum Commons in the 2022 academic year has now been published.

Exhibition | Century Akao Collection × Institute of Oriental Classics (Shido Bunko) Identifying Hands: Attributional Culture and the Kohitsu Family
Exhibition | Enrico Isamu Oyama: Altered Dimension
Exhibition | KeMCo New Year Exhibition 2023 “Where the Rabbits Are” Special feature Kyoka’s Favourites
Exhibition | Who Forms Archaeological Sites –– in What Manner?
Project | MITA Intercept_
Symposium | What is Appraisal?: A Reassessment of Edo Period Attributional Culture
Symposium | Collections and Commons: a Discussion on Activities and Issues Surrounding Collections
Talk | KeMCo Talk 3 “# Popping into KeMCo: What is University Museum Like?”
Workshop | Design not Strong: to Those that Fall Away from the Right Answers
Learning | KeMCo Course “Museum and Commons”
Learning | Chuo City College “Creative Dialogue 2”
Learning | “Climate Change × Creative Learning: me, you, and each other’s vision of tomorrow” SDGs Workshop & Exhibition
KeMCo StudI/O | Update on the Keio Object Hub
KeMCo StudI/O | KeMCoM Project
KeMCo StudI/O | Regular Photo Session for Keio Cultural Assets
Collaboration | Photo Session Opening Days at KeMCo StudI/O
Collaboration | Shared Use of Shooting Space
Collaboration | Cooperation with the Small Exhibit “Japanese New Year” by atré Takeshiba
Collaboration | New Approaches to Cultural Heritage: Introduction to “Object Based Learning”
Conservation and Restoration Projects | Restoration of Works in the Collection
Communications | Public Relations Activities in AY 2022, KeMiCo’s Activities
・Books Data Statistics
・Personnel Changes
・List of Works
・The Year in Numbers
・Keio Museum Commons Facility Overview